Adeorn can be saved as the Troll to become an ally. He was the original Troll, the disgraced knight from the legend of the Troll.
First Encounter: Forgotten Pacts - Hour of Sappanwood - Knight Repent in the Ruins (DLC)
Due to former status as a knight, he is dressed in heavy knight's armor and wears a helmet.
- Charlatan's Armor (S)
- Firebird Pinion (S)
- Grave Clod (M)
- Battle Axe Edge
- Bolt Burial Clod (M)
- Fire Giant God's Arm
Beginning: "Ha! Let the slaughter commence!"
Player defeats a creature: "You know what you're doing."
Player defeats a creature: "Sacrifice them all, that's what I say."
Taking major damage: "These monsters pack a punch..."
Near death: "I can't be defeated! Impossible!"