Anrakh repeats her role as a minor story character and ally in Soul Sacrifice Delta.
First Encounter: Severeal Years Later Ch. 5 - Kill the Elven Queen. Anrakh can be saved as the archfiend Elven Queen.
Background: Being trapped in the Elvenvale she's most likely the woman from the Elven Queen legend.
After salvation she has a brief talk with Magusar and the author of Librom journal. Anrakh says that she is sorry for the things she has done in the past. Magusar advises her to think what she can do to atone.
Anrakh is dressed in her own unique white raiment. It can be seen on the picture of the woman from the Elven Queen legend in the Lore section.
Unlike in Soul Sacrifice, where she is a Divine Arm and approves of saving archfiends, Anrakh is now a Dark Arm, and leaves the archfiends to Fate as she is now a member of Grim.
Spells (S level of affinity)[]
- Cottonmaid's Wings (L)
- Cottonmaid's Seed (L)
- Healing Seed (L)
- Overfiend Pitchfork
- Frost Blanket (L)
- Banebird Pinion (L)
Beginning: "Let us guide the hand of destiny."