Cert is the God of Chaos, who is named "Druid God Soul" in the NA and International (PAL) versions. According to legend The Sacred Chalice is his manifestation, making him partly responsible for mankind's monstrous transformations.
The DLC which includes Cert and the God of Order, Romulus (also renamed in the NA and PAL versions), was released in Japan on July 18th, 2013. The North American and European releases were, respectively, the 17th and 18th of September of the same year.
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At first, there existed only vast, primordial chaos.
Slowly, order began to assert itself, and twin giants were born. Initially, they were without fixed form. At times they were as diffuse and amourphous as smoke, while at others, they could condense themselves into a mass that was as hard as steel.
To ensure that the world maintained its balance, the brothers divided it between themselves.
But in time, the younger twin became dissatisfied with this arrangement. Fueled by greed, he made his body expand until it began to encroach on his elder brother's territory.
The elder brother, believing in the power of reason, decided that he would punish his wayward sibling. He said that he would leave the entire world as his domain. But then he asked, "Is this grossly swollen body of yours not a burden? Will it not hamper you as you travel about your territory?"
Upon hearing these words, the younger brother immediately shrank himself in size. This had been the elder brother's aim all along, and he pounced on the small frame of his sibling. He enveloped his brother, determined to prevent him from expanding in size again. He rolled the younger brother into a small ball, locking him in this new form.
Unable to move, the younger brother became the earth. The elder brother, weighing down oppressively on his younger sibling, became the sky. And so the earth and sky were created.
With his younger brother unable to interfere, the elder brother dominated the entire world. The elder brother abhorred chaos and greed, and so gave the world form that obeyed order and reason.
The sun rose and fell, and so time was created; snow, rain, and storms were each given their place, and so the seasons were born.
The younger brother, now the earth, could only look on with jealousy as all of this took place. His silent greed grew, enormous, within him. At the center of the earth there was a sea of molten, swirling greed. This greed was pushed to the surface, manifesting itself as lumps of that disfigured the land - these lumps became the first humans.
It is said that there were two tribes of human. The first tribe was ashamed that they had been born from greed, while the second accepted their nature and embraced this greed as their destiny and birth-right.
The first tribe was known as the Romalus. They despised greed, and looked to the elder giant of the sky for guidance. They came to worship the heavens above them.
The other tribe was known as the Druids. They gave in to their greed and sought guidance from the younger brother who slept beneath the soil. They came to worship the earth.
At present it is the elder of the twins who has claimed victory in this epic battle.
But there is no guarantee this victory is everlasting. If the power that binds the greed of the younger brother were to grow weaker then the world would become a very different place...
- Swipe its weapon horizontally, dealing damage to whoever in front of it.
- Summon lightning bolts from the sky in a medium range around itself.
- Casting multiple long ranged Neutral Homing attack.
- While being stationary, summons lots of shockwave-type attack in a medium range around itself.
- Forgotten Pacts - Hour of Gold - Chaotic God in a Red Land
- Forgotten Pacts - Hour of Gold - The Pure God of the Flame
- NA has changed this archfiend's name to Druid instead of Cert.
- As it goes lower in health, Cert will open its eyes, staring angrily at you. Upon death, there will be total of 5 eyes on its face, with the other 3 eyes lined up horizontally on its forehead.
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