First Encounter: IV. Atonement - Rolling The Roads
Acquisition: Saving the Centaur in Rolling The Roads
Background: He was a Doppelganger of the original Centaur
- Cursed Talisman (S)
- Stone Amulet
- Cursed Talisman (M)
- Healing Seed (M)
- Mole Claw (L)
- Cursed Talisman (L)
"I have faith in you." - Beginning of Phantom Quests.
"I'm glad I'm on your side!" - Defeat a foul creature.
"So you'll be sacrificing it, yes?" - Defeat a foul creature.
"That's the spirit!" - Defeat a foul creature.
"Still in one piece?" - When you take light damage.
"We can't let our guard down." - When taking light damage.
"I need to stay out of harm's way." - When taking light damage.
"Urgh... Urgh..." - When taking heavy damage.
"It's come to this..." - Dying
"Make your choice. I trust your judgement." - Dying
"Kind-hearted, aren't you? Thank you." - Upon being saved.
"Let's see how you fare in battle." - Beginning battle with an archfiend.
"This is our chance to strike. Don't miss it!" - Inflict an ailment upon an archfiend.
"Ha! It never stood a chance against us." - Archfiend reduced to orange health or lower.