Soul Sacrifice Wiki

Magusar is the main villian of Soul Sacrifice and the reason you read through Librom. By reliving the events in the journal you shall find a way to defeat Magusar and perhaps understand why he is the way he is.

Magusar's first appearance is in Chapter. 1 of Several Years Later. He can be recruited shortly there after. He and the narrator join forces after the narrator's experience with Sortiara in the Ordeal. They become friends of sorts. Magusar promises to kill the narrator should the voices take hold and turn him. Along the way you learn that Magusar is very knowlegable and of his secret ability. By sacrificing he can remain youthful. But these sacrifices are rather frequent.

"Background: A former partner and true companion with a cracked personality no longer aware of his true self.  Originally a noble, loyal Sorcerer of Avalon, the cataclysm that ravaged the world turned him into an insane warlord who rules what remains of the world with an iron fist.  Magusar constantly has others kidnapped and enslaved, so that he may eventually sacrifice them, using their lifeforce to fuel his immortality.  During the Phantom Quests, the player learns more about Magusar both before and after his fall from grace." - (Soul Sacrifice page)
