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Odin is DLC Archfiend in Soul Sacrifice Delta. He once was the first Persapius of Avalon. Just like twin gods, he can't be saved or sacrificed and doesn't have any Doppelganger versions.
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(taken from "the 1st persapius")
According to existing texts, Avalon’s founder was Persapius I.
He is said to have been a man of extraordinary intellectual curiosity who had learned every spell there was.
It was Persapius I who first conceived of the Ars Magica late in his life.
He wished to leave the vast store of sorcerous knowledge he amassed during his life to later generations.
Driven by an intellectual thirst that could not be quenched simply by collection spells, he also compiled all manner of learning from around the world.
He was said to have read day and night, which led to claims that no one had ever seen him sleep.
It is said that he often uttered the word omnipotent, and while no clear record remains, some say he was seeking to become an almighty being, or in other words, a god.
Mortals could never approach the realm of the gods, for there was a limit to the store of knowledge they could memorize. The human mind is just too small to know everything there is about the world.
Though keenly aware of mortal man’s limits, Persapius I would not give up his quest for omnipotence.
Memories are amassed in the mind. If they can no longer fit there, the brain – that reservoir of the mind – must be expanded.
So it was that he expanded the region capable of retaining memories capable of retaining memories by making other parts of his body function like the brain.
His arms, his legs, and even his chest were transformed into brains.
But in doing so, these parts of his body lost their intrinsic functions, so that it was as if he no longer had them.
Even still, he could not learn all there was to know about the world by dedicating most of his body to memory. That led him to go beyond his own body.
Persapius I had a horse named Sleipnir, which he greatly cherished. In an effort to expand his mind, he fused his head to the horse’s body. He was then able to use Sleipnir’s brain to store his own memories.
So it was he expanded his memory beyond his own body, but little by little, he lost all self-control.
He began abducting talented sorcerers and forcing them to become external receptacles for his mind.
When those around him learned of this, they branded Persapius I a monster driven by the lust for knowledge.
The Sorcerers’ Guild rose up en mass against the fiend, who had now been named Odin. At great cost of life, they managed to drive out the wicked creature that had once been their founder far from Avalon.
It is said Odin set off for lands far to the east. By some accounts, he was seeking new knowledge that could be found there, but no one really knows.Attacks[]
- He can use Black Rites Infernus and Gungir.
- Uses many Homing attacks.
- His horse jumps and as front hooves lands, it creates a mid-size shockwave.
- Slashes area nearby the horse's sides with spear.
- The horse stomps it's front hooves, charges and ends the charge with a left spear slash.
- The horse rears, pages fly out of books under it's belly, creating a barrier that negates ranged spells. (However, it can be broken by stunning Odin. One may prevent the barrier from being formed by destroying it's ill-cursed part.)
- Additional Pacts - Additional Pact X - Founder's Foothills
- Additional Pacts - Additional Pact X - Floundering Founder
- Additional Pacts - Additional Pact X - A Fate to Found

Soul Sacrifice Delta - Odin Trailer
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