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Orichalcum is an extremely rare monster appearing in Soul Sacrifice Delta. They can appear in nearly every pact in the game (excluding most story pacts), but they have a ludicrously low spawn rate. When killed, they can be saved or sacrificed for a massive amount of EXP.

There are three forms of this monster, each with varying amounts of EXP; Coppershell (low, usually 100-250), Silvershell (mid, usually up to 500) and Goldshell (high, usually up to 1000).


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Snails are the closest things to shellfish that exist on land, and much like their marine siblings, it is their shells for which they are known for.

Be they clams, cockles or cowries, their shells are designed to protect those creatures. By hiding away in their hard shells, they reduce the chance of predation.

They live in the spirit of defense rather than attack. They seek forbearance, not indulgence.

They do not have the means to win something from another creature, yet they never lose out. One could describe them as truly stoic, unyielding creatures.

Snails are much the same. They spend the majority of their lives dedicated to their defensive instincts.

However, the environments of land and sea differ greatly, for it is on land that the sorcerers live, and no creature on land can escape the influences of magic.

Imagine that a group of snails happened upon traces of sorcery long since cast. That the latent desires that lurked within them started to swell. Yet as the snails' nature was so rigid and stoic, even the desires they had were sensible and safe. They had no desire to triumph over other races, nor did they desire any special power.

They only thing that they desired was an even safer existence.

Snails craft their own shells, and the magic the snails came into contact with caused a changed in their natural ability to make them.

Their shells became hard, solid stone. That change alone dramatically improved their defenses against their enemies.

In a world where only the strong survive, the snails were by no means the strongest. Yet despite their weakness, they occupied an unusual position of never being fed upon.

The magic-infused snails hid within their stone shells. Eventually, they became mostly stone themselves. At the very least, that was how the other creatures saw them.

Stones are no creatures, so it is only natural that the snails escaped the law of predator and prey. If there were any creature that could fatally wound them, it would only be man. Yet even man had no reason to do so, for they only saw the snails as simple stones.

Thus did those snails gain a safer, more unyielding way of life. However, there is another law besides that of predator and prey that governs this world: the law of desire and sacrifice.

For those snails to hide away in shells of stone, a sacrifice had to be paid.

Until they gained these shells, the snails' only thought was of defending themselves from predators. That was all they had to think about, yet once they became stone, the thought was no longer necessary.

Their robust shells gave them peace of mind, which led to another new sensation.


Perhaps this never would have been a problem if they had turned completely to stone. Yet, they remained living beings, and would eventually come to tolerate it no longer: the condition of never having to think about anything... The abilities of living creatures were granted so that they may feel - so that they may act.

Having spent such a long time hidden away in their shells, the snails were overcome with boredom.

They began to even hate their very ecology. Why did they have to live in such damp, dark enviroments? Why were they so slow?

In a sense, the snails had started to think too much. It's possible, in fact, that besides humans, they were the first creatures to do so.

They started to reflect on their lives, wondering: is this truly the right way to live? What do we live for?

Their peace of mind had given birth to ennui, their thoughts now heavy and brooding. As soon as their lives became easy, thoughts that had never troubled them before began to prey on them. They were just like man, in that sense.

Take the questions of "Who am I?" and "Why was I born?", for example. Such thoughts would never occur to a creature that must spend its every effort simply to live.

Yet now that the snails had asked these questions, they began to reproach themselves. "What dull creatures we are!"

Simple, dull creatures...

Always taking the safe road through the course of their lives.

They wondered: what exactly is a snail?

The snails began to seek an identity to answer these questions, and with the magic's influence, their bodies began to transform. True, they retained their ability to use their diet to create the minerals that would form their shells...

Yet although this was originally for defense... they had begun to create glittering, gem-like minerals instead. People who adorn themselves in a similar way are affluent without exception. The snails suffered from the same boredom, the same luxury, which developed into an exhibitionistic desire. The transformed snails became known as Orichalca, and their quest for an identity had begun with the pursuit of individuality.

Perhaps the snails had developed a sense of inferiority because of their evolutionary course, in which they had only ever sought the safest road, and perhaps it was because of this that they began to adorn themselves so. What was clear, however, was that there was no stopping this trend once it had been set in motion. As if to reverse their dull history as snails, the Orichalca continued to adorn their shells incessantly.

The darker and danker their environments, the more magnificent their shells became. Perhaps the gloominess of the places in which they lived only magnified the inferiority the Orichalca felt.

They wanted to stand out and challenge their surroundings by becoming the opposite. It was a whole new way of thinking from the natural camouflage they had once embraced.

And then, with time...

The Orichalca's search for an identity had made them fixate on their individuality too much. So beautiful were they that men started to hunt them. But this wasn't simple predation; mankind had no interest in eating them. The Orichalca were hunted for their beautiful minerals.

Mankind was even more bored than the snails were. Men and women had an even stronger desire to adorn themselves to stave off boredom, and they found the minerals they harvested from Orichalca to be very stylish accessories indeed.

They took the minerals to be protective charms as well. And furthermore, because the minerals were so sturdy yet so beautiful, it was not uncommon for them to be used in construction as well.

For a time, the Orichalca, there versatile minerals, were harvested indiscriminately by humans. Their numbers fell dramatically, and soon Orichalca became very rare indeed.

The mere sight of a precious Orichalcum would inspire greed and envy in most people. In a way, the snails' exhibitionist streak had reached its zenith - yet it was not as creatures, but as minerals.

Perhaps that is what the former snails had wanted all along.

The sorcerers also took a particular interest in the Orichalca. That is, they believed that the Orichalca had particularly potent souls for monsters - power that the sorcerers could feed into their right arms through sacrifice.

After mankind, the Orichalca were the first creatures to question the meaning of life, and the knowledge and experience collected in their souls was close to that of humans'. One might say, then, that if there was a purpose to be found in the Orichalca's Journey of self discovery... it was for them to be used by sorcerers.

Their purpose was to feed the strong. And is that not a fine reason to live? After all, this is a world in which only the strong survive...

EXP Amounts[]

The amount of EXP given by Orichalca/Orichalcum vary depending on the form defeated. While all three types give much more EXP than most monsters, the amount received is not set, and is determined by several unlisted parameters, such as difficulty, rumors, and others.

Usually, the best way to judge the amount of EXP that can be obtained is by checking the average amount of EXP carried by other monsters in the pact.

  • For example, if a Goblin gives about 25 EXP without adjustments, a Coppershell will probably have four times that amount, rounded to the nearest whole if a bonus is applied.
  • Likewise, a Silvershell, in the same pact, will probably have ten times that amount, again rounded up or down to the nearest whole.
  • Finally, a Goldshell, once again in the same pact as the previous two, could have up to about 25-50 times the amount, which may very well end up leading to a EXP reward of 1000 or higher.
  • Please note that these are not exact calculations.
  • This table is a rough idea of how the Orichalca/Orichalcum EXP is judged.
  • The average EXP should be read as (minimum)/(maximum).
  • The Orichalca EXP is judged using the maximum.
  • The Goldshell amounts are done using the x25 modifier, as the x50 seems to be with rumors.
  • These are not official, and may be incorrect.
EXP Amounts
Difficulty Average EXP Orichalca EXP
1-6 2/15 Approx. 60 to 375
7-10 5/25 Approx. 100 to 625
11-15 20/50 Approx. 200 - 1250