Soul Sacrifice Wiki


First Encounter: Forgotten Pacts. Hour of Harlequin. Chef Stirs at a Checkpoint (DLC). Rynalm can be saved as the archfiend Ogre.

Rynalm was the original Ogre, the royal chef from the legend of Ogre. She is dressed in her own unique version of Physician raiment and due to her background she is wearing chef hat. It's unknown if she is still a chef, or if she just wears the chef hat to show how much she loves to cook.



Saving her as an archfiend: "I'm scared of dying."

Beginning: "Let's search for our target."

Player defeats a creature: "You are powerful indeed...."

Player defeats a creature: "Perhaps you can show some mercy?"

Taking Damage: "It Hurts... but it's nothing I can't handle."

"Be careful. Now's not the time to confront it." - When an Archfiend becomes enraged.

"This would be a good moment to strike..." - When an Archfiend suffers from a status effect.

"I've seen enough blood for one day." - When the player defeats an Archfiend.

"Perhaps it's all for show... Still, it's for the best." - When the player saves an Archfiend

