Terroria is an ally in Soul Sacrifice Delta. You first encounter her in the questline Impure Blood, and can be recruited after completing the first chapter.
"I wonder what that beast's blood tastes like." - During a quest.
"I take no pleasure in the sight of my own blood." - Taking minor damage.
"Behold the blood that flows from me! What a pitiful sight." - Taking moderate damage.
"We must fight on! More blood to be spilled!" - When the player kills a grunt.
"I'll draw strength from the blood that flows on the battlefield!" - When the player kills a grunt.
"I sense that this beast has already lost most of it's lifeblood." - When an archfiend is near low health.
"This beast cannot have much more blood to lose." - When an archfiend is near death.
"Let us drain every last drop from this beast." - Waiting for the player to make a choice.
"Another glorious victory to add to my collection!" - After sacrificing an archfiend.
"Hee hee! You can afford to take more damage than that!" - When the player takes minor damage.
"Don't let your lifeblood flow in vain." - When the player takes moderate damage.