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Terrwyn is an Ally in Soul Sacrifice Delta and the leader of the Grim Faction. She is obtained as an ally during The End Begins portion of the Grim storyline.

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During the events of the revised storyline (Revised: The Memories Remain) Terrwyn serves as one of the primary antagonists for the narrating sorcerer who, struggling to escape her illusory world, eventually faces off with her monstrous archfiend form.

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  • Terrwyn is another one of the classic "fairytale princesses" to make an appearance in Soul Sacrifice Delta along with Snow White and Cinderella.
  • She has a unique form of Parasitic magic, the Somnolent Blossoms, aiding in her "Sleeping Beauty" theme.
    • "Somnolent" has roots in the latin "somnus", which means "sleep, drowsiness, and even (figuratively) death." "Somnolent" on Google