Soul Sacrifice Wiki

Vidiara is a supporting character added in Soul Sacrifice Delta.


First Encounter: Debt Pacts Ch. 3. Can be recruited after Debt Pacts Ch. 3.

Vidiara serves as a palm reader at The Bazaar and grants the player rumours for completing challenges. She claims to be the sister of Carnatux and displays a sense of overprotectiveness about him. She will accompany the player on Debt Pacts 3-6 to oversee the collection of their debt. Over the course of the pacts, she begins to display uneasiness about the protagonist and claims their soul has a "more complex color than most." Eventually, she accepts them into the bazaar and refers to them as family.

After finishing Debt Pacts Ch. 6, "Vidiara's Past" is added under the "About the Bazaar" lore section.


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Ironside is an unusual Druid Village. For generations, it has produced many masters of healing magic. The reason being the training that the young sorcerers receive, and the unique local geography. A great forest sprawls near the village, where natural ingredients essential in healing magic can be collected.

According to records, a great plague once swept through the area and claimed many victims. Most of the dead were buried in the forest. The plague was a terrible tragedy, but it also lead to the people's familiarization with healing magic.

Vidiara, the sorcerer, was born in Ironside. Like other villagers before her, she was an accomplished student and soon mastered the magical arts.

The sick, the injured, and the dying were drawn to Ironside in the hopes of being cured. It is a well-known but rarely voiced rule that only fellow Druids were treated. The Romalus were turned away.

Normally the Romalus held sway over the Druids, and the defiance of the village was an unusual case. The reason for the rule? The villagers believed that the plague of the past was caused when the Romalus and Druids first interacted. That which should not come together came together, and thus sickness was inflicted upon the village that not even magic could heal.

Despite this warning, it did not feel right to Vidiara to treat some but not others. A patient is a patient, not matter what their race or tribe. What she did next, it could be said, was an act of both mercy and youthful folly. She began treating the Romalus, but it was not long before the other villagers found out and exiled her from the village.

Still, she had no regrets. After that, Vidiara resolved never to go against her true feelings. She promised to always do what she knew in her heart was right.

Vidiara began to travel, visiting the poor and sick, providing cures, earning a name for herself. A back-alley healer, willing to treat anyone... including those who were refused by "real" physicians.

But as her fame grew, she became troubled... She realized that there was something lacking in her healing methods. Even after she treated them, many of her patients would turn into monsters. She was able to cure surface wounds... But the true root of sickness was beyond her powers. She could not change the circumstances of their lives. Her patients live in desperate conditions, spurned by real physicians, and that meant they were always threatened by disease.

It pained Vidiara to see her patients turn into monsters. Those same monsters would injure others, and they would become monsters in turn... She could see the cycle well enough—but not the solution.

One day a family was attacked by a monster, and only a single child survived. The child was blinded in the attack. The monster that committed the act... was a former patient of Vidiara's.

Vidiara felt responsible, and so she gave up one of her eyes to the child, allowing the boy to see once more. But that did not mean his life was filled with light again.

A while later, Vidiara began to hear worrying stories. The boy had turned bad, people whispered. He was making a living as a thief.

A sudden realization came unbidden to Vidiara.

She had wanted to find a treatment that could bring some joy, however small, to the world's outcasts. But it seemed that their unhappy fates were sealed from the very beginning. Some people were beyond her help, no matter what she did. And so she had to choose her patients. Like the healers back in her village, she must try to help only those people who COULD be helped.

Her ideals had been naïve and foolish. The world itself was ill, she realized. But she could not cure the world. No one could. And if Vidiara could not treat it, she could not bear to see it.

So in a terrible act of despair, Vidiara plucked out her remaining eye. With that, she turned into a blind monster. Immediately, an order was issued for her death. The sentence was carried out by a certain sorcerer.

"The one who was truly sick... was you. Har har har!"

So said the sorcerer, as he performed the act of salvation. Not only did he save her, he gave the blind, ignorant woman one of his own eyes.

The sorcerer was Carnatux. He spoke to Vidiara, and said, "I give you this eye so that you might see, and understand."

Though her vision was not completely healed, she did begin to see. The boy she had saved was not just a common cutpurse.

He was a thief of honor, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.

Carnatux had become the boy's protector, and taught him how to rob the rich. So when the boy needed help, he knew to whom he should turn. "Save Vidiara, for I owe her my life," he had pleaded to Carnatux.

"So I did—but I expect YOU to pay the fee, my doctor friend. Har har har!" Chuckled Carnatux.

Sometimes, people judge the world too harshly. The sickness of pessimism can cloud our vision and make us blind. Like Vidiara, who stopped believing that anyone could be saved.

She never recovered her own vision, but she gained something else instead. She could see far more in the world than before.

With Carnatux's eye, she saw everything that he had seen, as if it were her own memories. The world he had seen contained more misery than her own ever had. He could have easily fallen into despair. Had he been like Vidiara, he would have plucked out his eyes.

But a powerful conviction made him strong. Even face-to-face with a world full of sickness, he was still able to laugh.

Vidiara decided to follow him.

And ever since, Vidiara and Carnatux have been like brother and sister. They are not related by blood, but in their mind, they are as family. After all, they look out upon the world with the same eyes.



  • "I would gladly die for my brother." - When starting a battle
  • "Nothing escapes my sight." - When spotting an enemy
  • "Show them no mercy." - When player defeats an enemy
  • "Wait! Let me help." - When player defeats an enemy
  • "I'll leave the small fry to you." - When player defeats an enemy
  • "Don't let your guard down." - When player takes minor damage
  • "Oh, poor thing..." - When player takes major damage
  • "Don't worry about me." - Taking minor damage
  • "It's just a scratch." - Taking major damage
  • "So... much blood." - When near death
  • "C-Carnatux..." - When dying
  • "I-I'm sorry... Carnatux..." - When dying
  • "...You've won my gratitude." - When saved
  • "This is where the fun starts." - When an archfiend is at half health
  • "It's nearly time to wrap this up." - When an archfiend is nearly dead
  • "Well... What will you do now?" - When player is ready to save/sacrifice an archfiend or when player saves or sacrifices an archfiend

